Dallas Marketing Zoo: Ep. 2

Babyonboard UPDATE: DMZ will be at 9pm CST

Dallas Marketing Zoo, episode two, IN YOUR FACE!

Ok, maybe that was a little much...

What: Dallas Marketing Zoo
When: January 3, 2007 at 9:00 p.m. CST
Number: 646-915-8556
Where: Blog Talk Radio

And, just to update, the first episode has received over 8,000 listens so far, making it the third most popular show on Blog Talk Radio.  I know, I couldn't believe it either. I'm sure it had more to do with my highly esteemed cohorts Scott, Brian, Paul and Cam, but it's nice to know someone other than my parents is listening.

Just like last time, feel free to call in and join the conversation.  And all the best to the soon to be multi-daddy Cam Beck. We hope junior respects daddy's podcasting schedule so he can join us, but the Beck family gets all the praise and adulation for bringing a new little blogger into the family.  Good Luck!

If you want to listen to the last podcast, just press play below.



UPDATE: To see the Kohl's response to this post, go here.

UPDATE #2: To see the Kohl's Dallas Employee blog made in response to this post, go here.

Holy shit.  I wouldn't be what you would consider a 'luxury" shopper.  Generally, I'm more comfortable in a vintage shop rather than at a Nordstrom's, but, jeez, some level of decency would be nice.

I've got this Kohl's right next to my house, and with that proximity, I'll make a stop by every few weeks to check out the sales.  Its always bad, but this Dallas, Texas Kohl's would look more at home in New Orleans after the flood.

hmm, I hope they have my size!


I really like the jeans display. Now that's great salesmanship!


And, maybe a nice sweater to go with those jeans?


Don't forget to try them on!


I get it, it's after Christmas, things have been busy, and your store has probably been thrashed by rabid shoppers over the past few days. But, all you've told me is that you don't give a shit.  Not about your merchandise, your store or your customers. It is Kohl's, so my expectations are already low, but this is ridiculous...

And don't think I didn't notice all those Kohl's ads, the millions of dollars burned driving customers into the stores. They did this while obviously and intentionally remaining sorely understaffed.  That sort of penny pinching is wasteful, and if someone over there doesn't act quick, Kohl's situation will resemble something closer to Kmart, rather than the me-to Target they're shooting for.  Businesses like this that fail to recognize the added value of experience, and the limitations of traditional advertising, won't be around much longer, thanks to customers like myself who choose to stop wasting their time with retailers who obviously don't care for them.



A Tune In Saturdays Preview Special

Annie1_1I normally wouldn't do this, but I'm particularly giddy about this girl.

I've made some bold predictions about bands blowing up before, and have since realized it's a better idea to bite my tongue.  There are lots of good bands, and it takes more than just talent to reach some higher echelon.

But then, last night I saw St. Vincent, the first of the Tune In features, and moniker of solo songstress Annie Clark, a fellow Dallasite and former classmate of yours truly.

And, mark my words, book it, and hold me to it, 2007 will be her year. Look out Fiona, there's a new lady crooner on the way, and all you MTVers, keep your sets tuned and ready.

She's simply amazing.   

And, Mack, maybe 100 cds for 100 bloggers?

Here's a couple tunes from her new 3 song ep, Paris is Burning... (available from Good Records)

St. Vincent - What Me Worry.mp3
St. Vincent - Paris is Burning.mp3


Tech Talk: Haw'ed

Lovetechnology1It's not often a techie tip gets me excited enough to post something about it, but this one solves what seems to be a very common problem.

I read a fucking ton of blogs. I'm pushing 200 in my reader right now, which can make it difficult to keep up with who said what exactly.  But, I'm always running into situations, either when toying with ideas or writing the blog, when I want to get back to the what. But without the who, it's more than a little difficult.

Until now. Google Co-op kicks ass.  Export your OPML from your reader to the Co-op, and, just like that, you have a search tool, narrowed to only the blogs to which you're subscribed, all in a few clicks of a button.

Check out mine below.  If anybody needs any help setting one up, just drop me a line.






All the Good Thoughts to Noel Davies

Gavin_1_1One of my favorite people in the blogosphere, Gavin Heaton, better known as the Servant of Chaos, has had a rough week. His father-in-law Noel was the unfortunate victim of a car wreck. And the worst part, Noel and a few of his friends were on their bikes when it happened.

And in a time of great need, Gavin once again proved what a powerful tool blogging can be by setting up noeldavies.com, a place for family and friends to receive regular updates on his health (which is improving, thankfully).  What a brilliant and simple way to keep everyone alerted and informed in this anxious time.

And, now, Cam Beck has set up a new blog in support of Noel, called Friends of Gavin, to make it easy for the community to donate to Gavin and his family in their time of financial need.

So, if you get a chance, toss a few bucks in the jar, or leave Gavin a few words of encouragement. 

I wish Gavin and his family all the best, and Noel a speedy recovery.  It's those bad days that make the good ones taste even sweeter.

The New Marketing Landscape

Phew! I guess it's about time to start dusting off the old brain, and get back to real life. 

So, with that, the continuation of the Dry Erase Board Chronicles...


As if marketing to people who don't care about you is hard enough, try doing it tomorrow, when the tools for shutting you off get even easier, more intuitive and more commonplace.  I don't know if you guys remember the scene from the Matrix where Neo just puts up his hand, stopping the bullets screaming towards him, then takes a second to pause and look more closely at one of his choosing, but it's a pretty good metaphor for the marketing landscape lazy, magic bean marketers have created for us to clean up.

Now, we just have to find where we fit in. Or, if we fit in.

Tune In Saturdays: The Christmas Edition

OrnamnetFor some reason, Jeff Buckley just seems perfect for this Christmas. It's unfortunate that Jeff died at such a young age, he wrote some of the most beautifully captivating songs I've ever heard, and this one might have been the best of them all. It's the sort of song that stops you in your tracks and knocks you on your ass, all at the same time.

Merry Christmas, boys and girls.  I'm continually astonished by how much our little community has grown, both in size and strength, and for most of us, we haven't even reached the end of year one. I never could have imagined that I would have been able to learn so quickly from people I respect so much.  So, thanks guys, I wish you and your families the best.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLQUdHMFpBQ]

My Favorite Masi

Back in my first year of college, my mom, like most moms,would send along a care package with laundry detergent, cookies, and assorted toiletries that my crappy job made it hard to afford.

Now, years removed from any of mom's care packaging, my favorite San Diegan, or San Diego-an, Tim "Masi Guy" Jackson, has taken over the job.

First, check out these sweet blue bike socks, complete with the Sock Guy logo.  Seriously, these socks are like a fine wine.  Only made with spandex.


And, because I'm from Texas, what sock would be complete without a voluptuous naked lady.


The best part about these socks is that they're not just made for racing, but also for recreating scenes from Risky Business on hardwood floors...


As if that weren't enough, he also sent along some "espresso" cups.  Rumor has it, they may also be good for whiskey.  But I wouldn't know anything about that.


And, look, the Masi guy even personalized them!


So, thanks Tim for the best fuckin' care package ever! (sorry mom). My sock guy gear will be worn proudly, and the shot, errr, espresso glasses will be a blogging keepsake, passed along through haw generations, starting with my first kiddo, Masi McEnany, and on down the line...

And so it continues...

Lifedoesnthappen1Just in case anybody really loved the Jaffe interview, or if you'd like to see it in print, go here to see it transcribed for the Madison Avenue Journal.

Also, my latest full piece, The Decomposition of the Television Set, is now available here.  The theory is that the convergence of the internet and the television set will not end television, but will unlock abilities that we couldn't have imagined only 5 or 10 years ago.

A couple excerpts:

"Luckily, we will no longer be shackled to a 30-second increment. Our ability to grow will be firmly tied to our ability to innovate and engage. Without the crutch of forced viewing, we will be enabled to create and connect in ways video has never been allowed to before, with interactivity not even imagined in the Jetsons."

"These changes aren't evolutionary shifts. They are revolutionary. And, as with revolutions, two things can happen. You win big, or you lose big. There generally is no revolutionary middle class."

Hope you guys enjoy!