Tech Talk: Haw'ed

Lovetechnology1It's not often a techie tip gets me excited enough to post something about it, but this one solves what seems to be a very common problem.

I read a fucking ton of blogs. I'm pushing 200 in my reader right now, which can make it difficult to keep up with who said what exactly.  But, I'm always running into situations, either when toying with ideas or writing the blog, when I want to get back to the what. But without the who, it's more than a little difficult.

Until now. Google Co-op kicks ass.  Export your OPML from your reader to the Co-op, and, just like that, you have a search tool, narrowed to only the blogs to which you're subscribed, all in a few clicks of a button.

Check out mine below.  If anybody needs any help setting one up, just drop me a line.