UPDATE: To see the Kohl's response to this post, go here.

UPDATE #2: To see the Kohl's Dallas Employee blog made in response to this post, go here.

Holy shit.  I wouldn't be what you would consider a 'luxury" shopper.  Generally, I'm more comfortable in a vintage shop rather than at a Nordstrom's, but, jeez, some level of decency would be nice.

I've got this Kohl's right next to my house, and with that proximity, I'll make a stop by every few weeks to check out the sales.  Its always bad, but this Dallas, Texas Kohl's would look more at home in New Orleans after the flood.

hmm, I hope they have my size!


I really like the jeans display. Now that's great salesmanship!


And, maybe a nice sweater to go with those jeans?


Don't forget to try them on!


I get it, it's after Christmas, things have been busy, and your store has probably been thrashed by rabid shoppers over the past few days. But, all you've told me is that you don't give a shit.  Not about your merchandise, your store or your customers. It is Kohl's, so my expectations are already low, but this is ridiculous...

And don't think I didn't notice all those Kohl's ads, the millions of dollars burned driving customers into the stores. They did this while obviously and intentionally remaining sorely understaffed.  That sort of penny pinching is wasteful, and if someone over there doesn't act quick, Kohl's situation will resemble something closer to Kmart, rather than the me-to Target they're shooting for.  Businesses like this that fail to recognize the added value of experience, and the limitations of traditional advertising, won't be around much longer, thanks to customers like myself who choose to stop wasting their time with retailers who obviously don't care for them.
