
By the way, if you didn't notice, I've started using Zemanta. I highly recommend giving it a shot. It'll integrate with Wordpress, Blogger, Typepad, whatever, and even comes in this nifty firefox plug-in. It does some cool stuff like makes it easier to link and tag, add photos and find related articles. Very cool stuff.

[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/636119 w=400&h=267]
Zemanta TypePad Integration Teaser from zemanta on Vimeo.

Related articles

Zemanta Pixie

TechCrunch Sues Facebook for $25M (updated with Paul's admission of idiocy)


Okay, maybe I should have looked at the date. April Fool's Day on me. Fuck! At least I caught it before it actually got to be April 1. At least I have that going for me.

With that, I am officially suing Techcrunch for defamation of character. 50 million dollars. Pay up now, bitches.

Anyway, on with nonsense...

Facebook Beacon + Triple Soy Latte = Lawsuit

Facebooksue1 Seems TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington has gotten fed up with the Beacon platform using his likeness to shill for Blockbuster, along with various advertisers signed up in the program. It'll be interesting to see if this thing actually gets all the way to court. Arrington & co. claim they are due $150 million dollars under California law, but are willing to settle out of court for the equivalent of $25 million in Facebook stock.

From TechCrunch:

"So we’ve been increasingly concerned about developments at Facebook over the last few months that allow advertisers to post ads using my picture and name to endorse their products without my explicit permission. I’ve received literally dozens of emails from readers asking me if I’m associated with Blockbuster’s Movie Clique application, or the new Jackass movie (no to both)."

"I am sad that this had to blow up to the point where we are publicly suing Facebook over the matter. We’ll be filing the lawsuit tomorrow along with a related civil case for assault and battery. In a round of negotiations over the lawsuit with Facebook led by Chief Privacy Officer Chris Kelly, things got out of hand. When our team of lawyers offered to settle for a mere $50 million, Kelly told me Facebook would “bury you and bury your crappy blog” if we filed the suit. He then threw his steaming hot triple soy latte espresso at me, which caused extensive second degree burns over the top half of my body. Later on, he also unfriended me."

We'll see how this all plays out. If Arrington gets his pay day, I'd be willing to bet we'd see some big changes happening fairly quickly. Even if the lawsuit is a bit of a reach, I would say that Chris Kelly's actions are pretty shocking. That said, Arrington is no butterfly, so I'd like to hear how things got to that point in the first place. Though not much would justify that reaction. Especially the de-friending. That seems especially brutal.

Is that a Twitter in Your Pocket?

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Twitter_logo I have a theory why there are so many of the 30+ crowd and so few of the young adult crowd on twitter. Because kids did chat rooms back in the day. And the response time on those was far faster. And you could go over 140 characters. And they still ended up kind of sucking and fading away.

I wouldn’t consider micro-blogging to be a more primitive form of blogging necessarily, but mostly just an unnecessary addendum. I get the one to many broadcasting benefit, but that’s not different at all than the oh so 2006 regular blog that actually has space for a complete thought. Twitter is built on the back of the “life is in the details” approach to blogging. It’s the Seinfeld of social networking. One big show about nothing. Don’t get me wrong, I love Seinfeld, but there are very few that would be able to pull it off. 

Micro-blogging is probably here to stay, but I think as an addendum to instant messaging (like it is already on google talk), or something to add flavor to facebook or myspace (as it already does). But as a stand alone? I just can’t see it. 

And yes, you’ll see me jump over there from time to time. Sure there are usually some good comments coming through from folks like drew, lewis, armano (or rusty), and a few others. But I just assume follow the blog, I guess. It’s easier to keep up with.

Cuban Kicks Out Bloggers

CubancaresblogFellow billionaire blogger (or, fellow blogger anyway) just kicked out all bloggers from the locker room of Mavericks games. Wow, Mark. Not very "Web 2.0" of you. Maybe he's just cranky because he traded the future of the mavs for old man kidd. I heard Jason Kidd takes respirator breaks in between quarters and sometimes plays with a cane.

The interesting "coincidence" is that the move was made after a blogger (and journalist for the Dallas Morning News), Tom MacMahon gave coach Avery Johnson shit for benching Kidd in the last minute of a close game. Story written, next day bloggers are banned. Unfortunately, Tom seems to be the only media member affected. Very interesting...

The Dallas Mavericks will not allow ANY writer into the locker room areas pre-game and post-game whose primary purpose is to blog no matter what affiliation. They may still represent their respective publication at games but will not be granted locker room access.

Furthermore, if a blog writer is coming to cover a game, the publication must inform the Mavericks PR staff they are sending a blogger. In order to enforce this policy, we must know this information.

We have gone this route because we did not want to give preferential treatment to any blogger, whether they are an individual or from a large media outlet. We just do not have enough room in the locker room, nor enough media passes to fairly accommodate everyone.

According to Mark, this rule will only apply to the NBA. The NFL, of course, should abide by separate, blogger-loving rules. In 2006, he said the following:

The NFL is making a mistake because this should be the time, because they're on the top of the hill, they should be finding easier ways to connect, because it really doesn't cost them any money, they're on the top of the hill. Everything's going great. As opposed to building a walled garden around themselves, that's a mistake.

Again, very interesting...

Winner: Best Ad of All Time

So we're looking at trying out Google click-to-play for a client of mine, so I figured I'd do a little testing on my on my blog first. That way I can pay to drive traffic to my blog that I've been shit about updating. Then new visitors will be annoyed and not come back! Perfect planning! Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates, I've got a few tigers by their tails and trying to make them all awesome can be a bit time consuming. Back soon, promise.

Anyway, please enjoy making fun of the first ad for Hee-Haw Marketing. It was conceived, shot and uploaded within 2 minutes. I am the man.

Hee Haw Marketing BS ad from paulmcenany on Vimeo.

Send Me More Emails Like This Please

FlektorscreenAlright, for any of you looking to pitch me some ridiculous product I could give a shit about, stop now. Take a deep breathe. Now, twirl around three times. Count to ten. Do five jumping jacks. Sleep on it. When you wake up, go away. Got it?

But, if you're like my new friend Kristen, and you've got something I actually would like to see, then read her email, and do exactly as she does. Don't pander. Don't lie and say you "read" my blog. Don't assume I care about you. But, do be super nice, authentic and honest, answer your email quickly and be understanding of that fact bloggers get to write about whatever we want to write about.

Anyway, because Kristen was so badass, you'll have a review of Flektor from a marketing perspective. I'm getting killed at work, so it might not come for a bit, but it'll come. (And Durbin, you owe this girl a raise)

Oh, and one other thing. Yes, I'm way too excited about this. I just seem to be getting shredded with ridiculous pitches of late...

"Hi Paul,

I came across your blog through a link on The Viral Garden blog as one of the Top 25 Marketing Blogs. I saw you speaking about media marketing and thought you might be interested in a new multimedia tool called Flektor.  Flektor is a video and photo editing suite that allows the user to easily drag and drop media to create your own videos (we call them fleks).

We’re in the middle of a social media campaign, and our goal is to introduce ourselves to influential bloggers in the marketing arena, build a connection, and share the best content from our site for your blog (our fleks are easily embedded and linked).

If you’re interested, I’d like to stay in touch – either finding Fleks that interest you or forwarding you ones we’ve created. I don’t expect anything, but I do hope you will find our fleks interesting and relevant enough to embed on your site, or write about.

If my e-mail bothers you, I totally understand. I will not be sending another one. My methods are purely one-on-one interaction with people who like the Flektor product. We don’t spam or put down fake comments.

I am totally open to any ideas you may have as well as any interviews you might want to do. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or if indeed you do decide to write something (we monitor but no one’s perfect).

I look forward to hearing from you!

Many Thanks!"

Tech Talk: Haw'ed

Lovetechnology1It's not often a techie tip gets me excited enough to post something about it, but this one solves what seems to be a very common problem.

I read a fucking ton of blogs. I'm pushing 200 in my reader right now, which can make it difficult to keep up with who said what exactly.  But, I'm always running into situations, either when toying with ideas or writing the blog, when I want to get back to the what. But without the who, it's more than a little difficult.

Until now. Google Co-op kicks ass.  Export your OPML from your reader to the Co-op, and, just like that, you have a search tool, narrowed to only the blogs to which you're subscribed, all in a few clicks of a button.

Check out mine below.  If anybody needs any help setting one up, just drop me a line.






All the Good Thoughts to Noel Davies

Gavin_1_1One of my favorite people in the blogosphere, Gavin Heaton, better known as the Servant of Chaos, has had a rough week. His father-in-law Noel was the unfortunate victim of a car wreck. And the worst part, Noel and a few of his friends were on their bikes when it happened.

And in a time of great need, Gavin once again proved what a powerful tool blogging can be by setting up noeldavies.com, a place for family and friends to receive regular updates on his health (which is improving, thankfully).  What a brilliant and simple way to keep everyone alerted and informed in this anxious time.

And, now, Cam Beck has set up a new blog in support of Noel, called Friends of Gavin, to make it easy for the community to donate to Gavin and his family in their time of financial need.

So, if you get a chance, toss a few bucks in the jar, or leave Gavin a few words of encouragement. 

I wish Gavin and his family all the best, and Noel a speedy recovery.  It's those bad days that make the good ones taste even sweeter.

Spotlight On

CommentsI get all excited when I get a comment from someone I've never met before, someone new who might have just found the haw.  So, I thought I'd just say thanks to some folks who just started stompin' around these parts.  Luckily, most of them also have some kickass blogs you should be checking out, too.

Sean Howard of Craphammer
Brian Clark of Copyblogger
Lewis Green of bizsolutionsplus and the Daily Fix.
Colin Mckay of Canuckflack
Megan of expo86
Derrick Daye of Branding Strategy Insider
Michael Wagner of Own Your Brand
Greg Verdino of Greg Verdino 2.0

I hope I didn't miss anybody that just started commenting in the past couple weeks.  If I did, a thousand apologies. But, I hope you guys take a minute to swing by these blogs, if nothing else, just to say hello.

So, let's have a big group hug and a round of high fives for all the kicking ass going on right now. 

And, don't think I've forgotten the rest of you who have stuck around here for awhile.  You guys make the blogging easy. So, thanks.