And so it continues...

Lifedoesnthappen1Just in case anybody really loved the Jaffe interview, or if you'd like to see it in print, go here to see it transcribed for the Madison Avenue Journal.

Also, my latest full piece, The Decomposition of the Television Set, is now available here.  The theory is that the convergence of the internet and the television set will not end television, but will unlock abilities that we couldn't have imagined only 5 or 10 years ago.

A couple excerpts:

"Luckily, we will no longer be shackled to a 30-second increment. Our ability to grow will be firmly tied to our ability to innovate and engage. Without the crutch of forced viewing, we will be enabled to create and connect in ways video has never been allowed to before, with interactivity not even imagined in the Jetsons."

"These changes aren't evolutionary shifts. They are revolutionary. And, as with revolutions, two things can happen. You win big, or you lose big. There generally is no revolutionary middle class."

Hope you guys enjoy!