All the Good Thoughts to Noel Davies

Gavin_1_1One of my favorite people in the blogosphere, Gavin Heaton, better known as the Servant of Chaos, has had a rough week. His father-in-law Noel was the unfortunate victim of a car wreck. And the worst part, Noel and a few of his friends were on their bikes when it happened.

And in a time of great need, Gavin once again proved what a powerful tool blogging can be by setting up, a place for family and friends to receive regular updates on his health (which is improving, thankfully).  What a brilliant and simple way to keep everyone alerted and informed in this anxious time.

And, now, Cam Beck has set up a new blog in support of Noel, called Friends of Gavin, to make it easy for the community to donate to Gavin and his family in their time of financial need.

So, if you get a chance, toss a few bucks in the jar, or leave Gavin a few words of encouragement. 

I wish Gavin and his family all the best, and Noel a speedy recovery.  It's those bad days that make the good ones taste even sweeter.