The DMZ 3: 2 MINUS 1

Dmz_2The DMZ thrilla. This episode we gave our responses to Cam's post regarding the thin slicing meme. That's right, to show off our sweet innovation skills, we took a blog meme, and made it audible. As usual, we had a celebrity appearance from Own Your Brand's Michael Wagner.

Also, I must give a shout to Sean Howard over at Craphammer for also tagging me.

And now, are we done with the memes? Seriously, guys...

The DMZ 2: More Dugan Flavor

DmzbrianWell, Brian Clark apparently had to take care of his "kids" instead of having fun with the rest of the boys from the Dallas Marketing Zoo, so we trudged on, recruiting Kevin Dugan to take his place on the fly.

Below is Episode 2 of the Dallas Marketing Zoo. Luckily, Kevin picked up some slack for the Copyblogger, but, after lengthy discussion, we've decided to take Brian back anyway. Damnit, Brian, we missed you buddy. Also, our host, Scott Baradell, Paul Herring, and brand new dual-daddy Cam Beck rounded out the show.

This time we talked about just how much Edelman sucks, the Noka chocolate debacle, the best ads of 2006 and made some obligatory 2007 predictions. Hope you guys enjoy!

Dallas Marketing Zoo: Ep. 2

Babyonboard UPDATE: DMZ will be at 9pm CST

Dallas Marketing Zoo, episode two, IN YOUR FACE!

Ok, maybe that was a little much...

What: Dallas Marketing Zoo
When: January 3, 2007 at 9:00 p.m. CST
Number: 646-915-8556
Where: Blog Talk Radio

And, just to update, the first episode has received over 8,000 listens so far, making it the third most popular show on Blog Talk Radio.  I know, I couldn't believe it either. I'm sure it had more to do with my highly esteemed cohorts Scott, Brian, Paul and Cam, but it's nice to know someone other than my parents is listening.

Just like last time, feel free to call in and join the conversation.  And all the best to the soon to be multi-daddy Cam Beck. We hope junior respects daddy's podcasting schedule so he can join us, but the Beck family gets all the praise and adulation for bringing a new little blogger into the family.  Good Luck!

If you want to listen to the last podcast, just press play below.