Spotlight On

CommentsI get all excited when I get a comment from someone I've never met before, someone new who might have just found the haw.  So, I thought I'd just say thanks to some folks who just started stompin' around these parts.  Luckily, most of them also have some kickass blogs you should be checking out, too.

Sean Howard of Craphammer
Brian Clark of Copyblogger
Lewis Green of bizsolutionsplus and the Daily Fix.
Colin Mckay of Canuckflack
Megan of expo86
Derrick Daye of Branding Strategy Insider
Michael Wagner of Own Your Brand
Greg Verdino of Greg Verdino 2.0

I hope I didn't miss anybody that just started commenting in the past couple weeks.  If I did, a thousand apologies. But, I hope you guys take a minute to swing by these blogs, if nothing else, just to say hello.

So, let's have a big group hug and a round of high fives for all the kicking ass going on right now. 

And, don't think I've forgotten the rest of you who have stuck around here for awhile.  You guys make the blogging easy. So, thanks.

The DM Zilla.

BigtexJust in case you missed out on the live version, the Dallas Marketing Zoo chat can be heard here, or at the bottom of this post.

I think it actually turned out pretty well, lot's of discussion, and you even get to hear me mixin' drinks!

My phone crapped out for the last 20 minutes or so, but Scott, Brian, Cam and Paul had no trouble picking up the slack.  Should I be getting nervous?

The Dallas Marketing Zoo: Episode 1

BlogtalkradioWill I get sued for using the term podcasting?

Should we switch? Maybe audboxing, or the raudio.

Either way, the next foray into talking on the internets is upon us.  It's the Dallas Marketing Zoo, with such heavyweights in blogginess as our host, Scott Baradell of the Media Orchard and Spin Thicket, Brian Clark of Copyblogger, Cam Beck and Paul Herring of Chaos Scenario, and,  of course, the captain of all things haw.

But that's not even the best part. YOU get to join in, too!  It's live and unscripted, so this is YOUR chance to call in and nail us.

When? Monday, December 18, 8:00pm CST
Where? Blog Talk Radio
How? Call 646.915.8556 from any phone, rotary or otherwise, and join the conversation.

Do it. Do it.

Tune In Saturdays: Centro-matic

CentromaticBecause Tim didn't realize how good the Dallas music scene actually is, I thought I'd continue down that road with this week's Tune In, and feature one of the best and brightest from the Dallas/Denton, Texas area, Centro-matic.

Centro-matic sort of sounds like a warm blanket, made of Texas flags, in a Michel Gondry dream.  Did that make sense?  It does to me, so there you have it.

Here's what some other folks have said:

“What makes (Will Johnson) such a phenomenal lyricist is that he opts for the simplest language when painting an abstract picture.” - Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie

"It's unforgettable in a Neil Young or Jeff Tweedy kind of way… As multifarious as the indie rock canon it's practically everything: from the South, in the basement, smoking pot, on the porch, plugging in, plucking soft and clocking out. It's a hootenanny of sweetly weathered proportions, free-wheeling clap-alongs and perfectly boozy balladry…” – Magnet

“Centro-matic's music comes on like a sound from a distant dream, something new, yet unmistakably familiar. Clear images adding up to something a little vague, but in such a comforting way.” – Patterson Hood of Drive by Truckers

MySpace has more...

Below is the video for Triggers and Trash Heaps.  Just beautiful stuff.

Coffee Lunch: Coffee Not Included

Coffemorning21And, another Coffee Morning in the books. This time a little slimmed down (just Scott, Cam, and I), but still great conversation that ranged from the authenticity of nipple slips to politics to blogging and marketing. 

Scott (of Media Orchard and Spin Thicket fame) also has kicked up a podcast on blogtalkradio. His guests have already included  Copyblogger's Brian Clark and Micro Persuasion's Steve Rubel.  Don't be surprised if you hear more from me here.

I've gotten a few emails from other people who want to be included. So stand up and be counted! I know there's more Dallas bloggers and marketers out there!

The Writing Bug Bit Me

Sisteract2If you wake up in the morning, and you can't think anything but singing, then you should be a singer, girl.
-Sister Mary Clarence.

Yes, that was the formerly brilliant Whoop Goldberg in one of my most shameful guilty pleasure movies, Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit.  I know. You don't have to tell me how ridiculous that is.

But, a good insight there. And, for me, and many of us, I suspect, we could replace singer with writer, marketer, pontificater, philosopher, or some combination thereof.

After CK played matchmaker with Tim McHale, one of the most accomplished marketing minds of the past couple decades, and myself, the little Hee-Haw blogger, Tim took me on to write for his brainchild, the Madison Avenue Journal, a Watershed Publishing e-zine, from the same folks who bring you AdRants, Media Buyer Planner, and MarketingVOX.

My first article came out today. Read and enjoy.

And, yup that's 3 writing gigs now. I think Whoopi would be proud.

The Meme Show

DonnasummerWell, damnit.  I got memed. Twice. Thrice. Virally, even.

But, don't feel bad for me, my friends. Like Donna Summer, I will survive.

Recovering Leo and Blogostar David Armano, the Shoutiest Foodie,  Katie Chatfield, and the Behemoth Viking, Tim Jackson threw their viral grenades my way, obliging me to give you 5 things that you probably didn't know about me, and then tossing the grenade like a hot potato to five more unsuspecting bloggers.

5 things.
1. I was once on Judge Judy. Long story short, I won.  And got hushed repeatedly in the process by the queen of the court herself.  It was awesome.
2. I was the president of my fraternity in college. Unfortunately, I don't remember most of it, I was busy nursing a hangover most of the time.
3. I play bass, once had dreams of rockstardom, then booked bands in college to fill the void. Now, it and my guitar just make me look cool when girls come over.
4. My father is also in advertising.  I refer to him regularly as "the man."
5. I played soccer from age five to 15, when I decided to rebel against everything, except of course, rebellion.

So, that's it, now you know me that much better.  And, of course, I'll pass the baton to:

Cam Beck
Jayne Karolow
Mack Simpson
Noah Kagan
Todd Anthony

And the other taggings:


And, many, many others....