Send Me More Emails Like This Please

FlektorscreenAlright, for any of you looking to pitch me some ridiculous product I could give a shit about, stop now. Take a deep breathe. Now, twirl around three times. Count to ten. Do five jumping jacks. Sleep on it. When you wake up, go away. Got it?

But, if you're like my new friend Kristen, and you've got something I actually would like to see, then read her email, and do exactly as she does. Don't pander. Don't lie and say you "read" my blog. Don't assume I care about you. But, do be super nice, authentic and honest, answer your email quickly and be understanding of that fact bloggers get to write about whatever we want to write about.

Anyway, because Kristen was so badass, you'll have a review of Flektor from a marketing perspective. I'm getting killed at work, so it might not come for a bit, but it'll come. (And Durbin, you owe this girl a raise)

Oh, and one other thing. Yes, I'm way too excited about this. I just seem to be getting shredded with ridiculous pitches of late...

"Hi Paul,

I came across your blog through a link on The Viral Garden blog as one of the Top 25 Marketing Blogs. I saw you speaking about media marketing and thought you might be interested in a new multimedia tool called Flektor.  Flektor is a video and photo editing suite that allows the user to easily drag and drop media to create your own videos (we call them fleks).

We’re in the middle of a social media campaign, and our goal is to introduce ourselves to influential bloggers in the marketing arena, build a connection, and share the best content from our site for your blog (our fleks are easily embedded and linked).

If you’re interested, I’d like to stay in touch – either finding Fleks that interest you or forwarding you ones we’ve created. I don’t expect anything, but I do hope you will find our fleks interesting and relevant enough to embed on your site, or write about.

If my e-mail bothers you, I totally understand. I will not be sending another one. My methods are purely one-on-one interaction with people who like the Flektor product. We don’t spam or put down fake comments.

I am totally open to any ideas you may have as well as any interviews you might want to do. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or if indeed you do decide to write something (we monitor but no one’s perfect).

I look forward to hearing from you!

Many Thanks!"