Spotlight On

CommentsI get all excited when I get a comment from someone I've never met before, someone new who might have just found the haw.  So, I thought I'd just say thanks to some folks who just started stompin' around these parts.  Luckily, most of them also have some kickass blogs you should be checking out, too.

Sean Howard of Craphammer
Brian Clark of Copyblogger
Lewis Green of bizsolutionsplus and the Daily Fix.
Colin Mckay of Canuckflack
Megan of expo86
Derrick Daye of Branding Strategy Insider
Michael Wagner of Own Your Brand
Greg Verdino of Greg Verdino 2.0

I hope I didn't miss anybody that just started commenting in the past couple weeks.  If I did, a thousand apologies. But, I hope you guys take a minute to swing by these blogs, if nothing else, just to say hello.

So, let's have a big group hug and a round of high fives for all the kicking ass going on right now. 

And, don't think I've forgotten the rest of you who have stuck around here for awhile.  You guys make the blogging easy. So, thanks.