A Sad Day in Dallas as One of Its Best Dies

CarteralbrechtAnd all signs point to Chantix, the new Pfizer drug meant to assist smokers in the process of quitting.

Carter Albrecht was unquestionably one of Dallas' finest musicians, having played with everyone from Edie Brickell to Paul Simon and Charlie Sexton, as well as a member of the 5th Tune In Saturdays feature ever, Sorta. Ask just about anyone familiar with the scene who's the best, and the likely reply was Carter. I never had the pleasure of meeting the man, but I knew plenty that were friends of him and loved him, which makes the circumstances all the more horrifying.

Carter and his girlfriend left the bar after a couple drinks Sunday night, when apparently he became completely disconnected from his surroundings. He started to lose control in the car, but really lost it in the house, punching his girlfriend repeatedly before she escaped the house. She drew him outside, and managed to get back to safety inside, locking him out. By all accounts, this had never happened before. Nothing even similar. He was just a docile sort of guy.

Apparently confused, he went to her neighbor's house, and began loudly banging and kicking the door. Frightened, the couple next door tried to fire a warning shot through the top of the door. Unfortunately, Carter was 6'5" and died instantly after he was hit in the head.

Obviously this sounds terrible on him, but seriously, I've never heard anyone say a bad word about the guy. People that have known him, and lived with him for years have never heard anything even remotely similar from him, and his girlfriend Ryann confirmed that he had not only never touched her in that way before, but that he didn't seem to know where he was or who she was during the assault.

Danny Balis, his roommate and producer of a local radio show said this afternoon via a post on MySpace that both Carter and Ryann had begun taking the anti smoking drug Chantix only a few days prior, and both had been experiencing these horrific, vivid dreams that they jokingly called "Chantix dreams." The Dallas Observer did a quick search of "Chantix" and "Psychotic" and found that this isn't exactly an isolated problem.

From DrHowell.net:

"My husband who has never had ANY mental health problems, tried to take his own life after being on Chantix for 13 days. He has no recollection of the day it happened."

"My brother in law committed suicide Aug 19. He had taken Chantix and went off it in the spring, then we found out he had started retaking it 7 days before his suicide."

"2 days upon stopping, I went into a complete meltdown of suicidal thoughts, depression, crying for no reason, panic, agitation, lack of concentration....it was a nightmare."

And a post from someone who combined heavy drinking and Chantix, like Albrecht did, from WebMD:

"… While intoxicated I did some things that were completely out of character for me. It is probably in my best interest not to share all of the details here even when posting anonymously, but the police were involved. I just want to make it clear that I did not hurt anyone or anything like that. I apparently just made a few bad decisions even after I was apprehended by the police …. I am not saying that it was the Chantix that caused this abnormal behavior… When I called Pfizer though, they told me that there have not been any studies on the effects of alcohol on people taking Chantix."

Now, obviously it can't be proven at this point that Chantix is the culprit, but for all you smokers out there, be careful. Now it's time for Chantix to speak up and show us the testing they've done, and fix this problem before any other needless deaths happen.

Here's a couple of my favorite songs...

Sorta - 85 feet and falling (mp3)
Sorta - Sweet Little Bay (mp3)

UPDATE: And before you turn your hate mail in my direction, let me be clear that in no way do I condone Carter's actions, just I don't believe in any way that they would have happened unless there was something truly terrible happening inside his head.

UPDATE 2: The NY Times just picked up the story, choosing to focus on another aspect of this story. A new law involving what is called the "castle doctrine" went into effect the day before this happened. It expanded the rights of Texans to shoot those who are threatening their person or property. It'll be interesting to see if this adds fuel to the fire for the anti-gun lobby.

Let's get the word out about Chantix. Digg it. Good tip, JC.

Stop Suing Facebook

ConnectuSeriously, quit. I'm getting a little tired reading about ConnectU, and now some new jackass claiming to be the creator of facebook. At least the new guy just wants recognition, ConnectU wants a payday. Clearly, I'm ignorant when it comes to this kind of law, but if I want to open a grocery store, I'm pretty sure Walmart can't sue me for stealing their idea. Since when did we become so anti-competitive?

Okay, ConnectU, you might have had a similar idea to facebook, but your website looks like shit. Seriously, it's awful. Mark took the idea and made it work. You took the idea and made it suck. And no, there aren't any consolation prizes. In your face!

Tune In Saturdays: Caribou

CaribouCaribou is an odd little dreamy-pop band from the mind of Canadian Dan Naith. They (or he really) just released Andorra, a home recording masterpiece that would hold up against any Shins record considering all the falsetto, tips, tats and harmonies to match. The mesh of disparate noises could work you into a frenzy in lesser hands, but with Naith, it's a perfectly pleasant ride.

From Stylus:

" Perhaps not surprisingly then, Snaith’s newest album, Andorra, merges Milk’s heady sense of immediacy with a clear and consumable swiftness. He further embraces California’s late-‘60s psych-pop and perhaps for the first time really lives up to the Brian Wilson tags of his early career. Unlike Milk—with its King Crimson samples left nude—Andorra is made completely of Snaith’s own material, patches of his own playing. His recent Ph.D. in mathematics may well have come in handy here actually. But though it’s tempting to consider its algorithms—was this passage of noise designed for this song or pulled from a thick series of such random snippets bound for anything—the end result is an album of deft manipulation of sound and place that gives new echoes to a pretty well-worn voice in time."


Caribou - She's the One (mp3)
Caribou - BBC Mini-Doc
Caribou - Melody Day (video)

This Week in Stupid Naming

HuluWell, the NBC and Fox Interactive joint venture dubbed ClownCo by internet geekdom and the google offices has finally gotten itself a name. Hulu. It sounds stupid as shit to me, but the thing usually defines the name, not the name the thing, so whatever I guess.

In a funny twist, apparently the name does mean "Cease and Desist" in Swahili, so maybe a sign of things to come? Anyway, I can't wait to watch their videos on youtube.

Then again, youtube's bringin' it with the interruptions, so maybe they're all doomed to lose to the off-shore torrent. Can it really be that difficult to find a better way? I mean really, it took a couple hours for someone to figure out how to DVR those Mountain Dew (or whatever) ads anyway.

And my favorite in unfortunate naming comes from the German company TrekStor and their newest addition to the mp3 player marketplace, i.beat blaxx.  Luckily, they've caught the mistake and changed it to the less disturbing, blaxx.

Tune In Saturdays: The Go Find

ThegofindAfter eating many waffles, Belgium popsters The Go Find created a little indie pop happy masterpiece called Stars on the Wall, the follow-up to the acclaimed debut Miami. Alright, I give, masterpiece may be pushing it, but fans of the Postal Service will likely salivate all over this electronipop. Do it.

From Daytrotter:

The Go Find have surely created another electro-pop guilty pleasure. Stars is like taking a top-down convertible ride through the strip. It glows brightly with confidence and is just as sweet and seductive as the debut promised. And with a talent like Sermeus behind the wheel, there is no doubt The Go Find will continue in good hands.


The Go Find - Dictionary (mp3)
The Go Find - Monday Morning (mp3)
The Go Find - New Year (video)

Send Me More Emails Like This Please

FlektorscreenAlright, for any of you looking to pitch me some ridiculous product I could give a shit about, stop now. Take a deep breathe. Now, twirl around three times. Count to ten. Do five jumping jacks. Sleep on it. When you wake up, go away. Got it?

But, if you're like my new friend Kristen, and you've got something I actually would like to see, then read her email, and do exactly as she does. Don't pander. Don't lie and say you "read" my blog. Don't assume I care about you. But, do be super nice, authentic and honest, answer your email quickly and be understanding of that fact bloggers get to write about whatever we want to write about.

Anyway, because Kristen was so badass, you'll have a review of Flektor from a marketing perspective. I'm getting killed at work, so it might not come for a bit, but it'll come. (And Durbin, you owe this girl a raise)

Oh, and one other thing. Yes, I'm way too excited about this. I just seem to be getting shredded with ridiculous pitches of late...

"Hi Paul,

I came across your blog through a link on The Viral Garden blog as one of the Top 25 Marketing Blogs. I saw you speaking about media marketing and thought you might be interested in a new multimedia tool called Flektor.  Flektor is a video and photo editing suite that allows the user to easily drag and drop media to create your own videos (we call them fleks).

We’re in the middle of a social media campaign, and our goal is to introduce ourselves to influential bloggers in the marketing arena, build a connection, and share the best content from our site for your blog (our fleks are easily embedded and linked).

If you’re interested, I’d like to stay in touch – either finding Fleks that interest you or forwarding you ones we’ve created. I don’t expect anything, but I do hope you will find our fleks interesting and relevant enough to embed on your site, or write about.

If my e-mail bothers you, I totally understand. I will not be sending another one. My methods are purely one-on-one interaction with people who like the Flektor product. We don’t spam or put down fake comments.

I am totally open to any ideas you may have as well as any interviews you might want to do. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions or if indeed you do decide to write something (we monitor but no one’s perfect).

I look forward to hearing from you!

Many Thanks!"

Trendiocity: Texts, Bird Bands, and the Return of the 80's

First off, I got my phone bill a few days ago. 1331 texts last month. This old man is behaving like a giddy 16 year-old, texting more than talking, be it through MySpace, Facebook, IM, or the celly. But, holy shit, 1331. That's friggin' ridiculous. And I'm on pace to destroy that this month.

Who's got me beat?

Secondly, the 80's have been quietly making a comeback of late. I first noticed when I started seeing those ridiculous, tighter-than-hell, low-riding jeans. These kids are just so full of punk angst, even if they are using their parents credit card at the Gap. To each his or her own, I guess.

Either way, my hunch was further confirmed by some drunk college girl in colored boots, a short skirt, a cut gray sweater top and a tiara. And solidified when I received the new Urban Outfitters catalog. I was almost surprised that hair metal didn't start playing when I opened the cover. Here's some shots from the website.



So, there you go. Don't throw away your Ratt t-shirts or Twisted Sister tapes just yet. Same goes for Blondie and the Pointer Sisters, your leather jackets, bigass Raybans, mesh shirts and those leftover ecstasy pills. They may still be useful, after all.

And lastly, here's some graceful censorship from on of the funniest shows I've ever seen. Watch the Flight of the Conchords and enjoy Mother Uckers.