This Week in Stupid Naming

HuluWell, the NBC and Fox Interactive joint venture dubbed ClownCo by internet geekdom and the google offices has finally gotten itself a name. Hulu. It sounds stupid as shit to me, but the thing usually defines the name, not the name the thing, so whatever I guess.

In a funny twist, apparently the name does mean "Cease and Desist" in Swahili, so maybe a sign of things to come? Anyway, I can't wait to watch their videos on youtube.

Then again, youtube's bringin' it with the interruptions, so maybe they're all doomed to lose to the off-shore torrent. Can it really be that difficult to find a better way? I mean really, it took a couple hours for someone to figure out how to DVR those Mountain Dew (or whatever) ads anyway.

And my favorite in unfortunate naming comes from the German company TrekStor and their newest addition to the mp3 player marketplace, i.beat blaxx.  Luckily, they've caught the mistake and changed it to the less disturbing, blaxx.