Tune In Saturdays: The Go Find

ThegofindAfter eating many waffles, Belgium popsters The Go Find created a little indie pop happy masterpiece called Stars on the Wall, the follow-up to the acclaimed debut Miami. Alright, I give, masterpiece may be pushing it, but fans of the Postal Service will likely salivate all over this electronipop. Do it.

From Daytrotter:

The Go Find have surely created another electro-pop guilty pleasure. Stars is like taking a top-down convertible ride through the strip. It glows brightly with confidence and is just as sweet and seductive as the debut promised. And with a talent like Sermeus behind the wheel, there is no doubt The Go Find will continue in good hands.


The Go Find - Dictionary (mp3)
The Go Find - Monday Morning (mp3)
The Go Find - New Year (video)