Trendiocity: Texts, Bird Bands, and the Return of the 80's

First off, I got my phone bill a few days ago. 1331 texts last month. This old man is behaving like a giddy 16 year-old, texting more than talking, be it through MySpace, Facebook, IM, or the celly. But, holy shit, 1331. That's friggin' ridiculous. And I'm on pace to destroy that this month.

Who's got me beat?

Secondly, the 80's have been quietly making a comeback of late. I first noticed when I started seeing those ridiculous, tighter-than-hell, low-riding jeans. These kids are just so full of punk angst, even if they are using their parents credit card at the Gap. To each his or her own, I guess.

Either way, my hunch was further confirmed by some drunk college girl in colored boots, a short skirt, a cut gray sweater top and a tiara. And solidified when I received the new Urban Outfitters catalog. I was almost surprised that hair metal didn't start playing when I opened the cover. Here's some shots from the website.



So, there you go. Don't throw away your Ratt t-shirts or Twisted Sister tapes just yet. Same goes for Blondie and the Pointer Sisters, your leather jackets, bigass Raybans, mesh shirts and those leftover ecstasy pills. They may still be useful, after all.

And lastly, here's some graceful censorship from on of the funniest shows I've ever seen. Watch the Flight of the Conchords and enjoy Mother Uckers.