Tune In Saturdays: Centro-matic

CentromaticBecause Tim didn't realize how good the Dallas music scene actually is, I thought I'd continue down that road with this week's Tune In, and feature one of the best and brightest from the Dallas/Denton, Texas area, Centro-matic.

Centro-matic sort of sounds like a warm blanket, made of Texas flags, in a Michel Gondry dream.  Did that make sense?  It does to me, so there you have it.

Here's what some other folks have said:

“What makes (Will Johnson) such a phenomenal lyricist is that he opts for the simplest language when painting an abstract picture.” - Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie

"It's unforgettable in a Neil Young or Jeff Tweedy kind of way… As multifarious as the indie rock canon it's practically everything: from the South, in the basement, smoking pot, on the porch, plugging in, plucking soft and clocking out. It's a hootenanny of sweetly weathered proportions, free-wheeling clap-alongs and perfectly boozy balladry…” – Magnet

“Centro-matic's music comes on like a sound from a distant dream, something new, yet unmistakably familiar. Clear images adding up to something a little vague, but in such a comforting way.” – Patterson Hood of Drive by Truckers

MySpace has more...

Below is the video for Triggers and Trash Heaps.  Just beautiful stuff.