Live from Ad:Tech, Day One

Logo_adtech_sfTomorrow morning kicks off 3 days chocked full of advertising shenanigans with ad:tech San Francisco. The Madison Avenue Journal brought a team of bloggers to cover the event, shake some hands, kiss some babies and probably drool over some of the latest advertising technologies. You might even hear a healthy dose of advertis-y cynicism.

Follow the fun from the mothership, TMAJ, and I'm sure each of us will be chiming in from time to time. (including Matt, Cam, Ryan, Katie, Sean and Eric)

The first roundtable gets started with a topic near and dear to all of our hearts, "The Art of Conversation: Building Great Brands in the Digital Age" featuring Pete Blackshaw, Tom Asher, Beth Thomas-Kim, Jordan Warren, Todd Cunningham and Tom Clancy's possible brother, Rick Clancy.

To what extent does listening and conversation share a symbiotic relationship? Brands must transition from monologue to dialogue in the era of consumer control, but how do they proactively engage and converse with consumers?

The rest of the day is full of tough choices, Follow the Money or Tales from the Bleeding Edge? Multi-Platform world or Futuresearch? State of Online Video or the Modern Agency? The Internet Economy or Social Network Marketing? Luckily, I'm a skilled party-hopper, so I plan on getting as much of each as I can. Hopefully I'll report back with some poor-quality video and photos. I might even catch a certain presidential candidate speaking a little too plainly about small town America. You never know. It is San Francisco.

Another Big Week in the HeeHawsphere

Collage_march_5_lowThis has been an enormous week folks. First, Sean gave me the flu over email. What an asshole. I didn't know that could be done. But the extra time at home this weekend allowed me to unlock the secret of the Peach Slice Plus smoothie from Smoothie King. It's gonna save me a ton of cash. See, I told you. Big week.

But it pales in comparison to the weeks ahead. This Thursday, I leave for the biggest of big cities, the NYC for the first non-conference of its kind, the Blogger Social. A big thanks to the lovely Christina Kerley and his excellency of the blogosphere, Drew McClellan. How these people keep up with their own businesses and do as much as they do is beyond me. Either way, I'll be meeting a ton of my favorite marketing bloggers from 8 different countries around the world. Good times and all that.

Following the blogger social will be a trip West to Ad:Tech San Francisco courtesy of the great folks over at the Madison Avenue Journal. Sean, Katie, Matt and Eric will be there, too. My cup runeth over with bloggy goodness, I tell you.

Anyway, this years topic is "Brand Strategy and the Expanding World of Digital Marketing." In the next few days, you'll see an article from me about the ongoing struggle between the brand folks and the numbers folks, and how the internets may be bringing the two together. Slowly, anyway.

Seriously, I can't wait for this. Lots of juicy topics, fantastic roundtables and some of the better presenters around including Digg's Kevin Rose, NBC's George Kliavkoff, Neilsen's Pete Blackshaw, and Barack Obama's former pastor Jeremiah Wright. would be Nokia's Jeremy Wright. Only slightly less inflammatory, I hope.

I can't wait to see you guys in both New York and San Francisco. Drop me a line if you plan to be at either of these, as well. I expect many group hugs.


The PlaidNation hits the Big D

BillgreenThe folks at Plaid make their final stop of the PlaidNation tour tomorrow (Friday) at 4pm at the infamous Bar of Soap (website). So, if you've got some laundry to do while we drink some beers, don't be shy about bringing it along.

I'm not sure which Dallas bloggers will make their way there, but I do know that you'll meet Daryl, Justice and Giuli from Brandflakes for Breakfast and Bill Green, the man behind Make the Logo Bigger. So do it already.

Likemind DAL

LikemindIt's the one-year anniversary of likemind. And, here in Dallas, we're celebrating by drinking coffee early in the morning and talking about advertising, with some related bullshitting thrown in for good measure. Granted, this is nothing new, but maybe this time we'll feel a little more celebratory.

As always, it's here (at Panera). You can hear more here. Or check out our super-sweet sponsor, AnomalyNY.

Friday, July 20, 8 in the a m. Do it.

Cheers to Noah and Piers for keeping the conversation going and growing for so long.

Geek Dinner Dallas Only Slightly Geeky

CampisisSo, I was looking to buy a new camera for all my picture taking needs. And, to my surprise, Jaffe suggested I try out the new Nikon D80. After seeing this beast in action, I realized that I love it. I want to marry it, and have little camera babies. Actually, during my conversation with many world leaders and other influential people, they all said that the Nikon D80 was surely the greatest piece of machinery ever created by the human hand. It's magical, almost. Nikon, I love you. Mwwwaahhh!

Can I have my free camera now?

Besides meeting the Nikon in person last night, I also met other Dallas giants of advertising goodness. Such as John Keehler of, Brent and Trey of Trabian, Texas Instruments guru Nikhil, the Community Guy Jake McKee, Sean, Tracy and Kip of Slingshot, the super-consultant Jeannine, and of course the guest of honor to our fair burg, Joseph Jaffe.

Actually, a mighty fine group, full of strong opinions and smart thinking, and all the good stuff you need at a geek dinner. Luckily the coasts don't have a monopoly on all that. (Just ask Matt).

Alright, so we'll have another soon enough. I'll keep you posted. Thanks guys!

Dallas Geek Dinner (Jaffe-fied)

Chinesefood_2Alright ad geeks, time for a non-coastal geek dinner this Wednesday night (4/25). Joining us will be the man, the myth, Joseph Jaffe himself. And lots of good conversation to follow, I'm sure...

At this point, just make sure you clear the date, and assume that we'll be meeting at 6:30pm at a location that is yet undecided in downtown dallas. As soon as the location is settled, you'll be hearing from me, I assure you.

If you plan to attend, email me here, or call my cell at 214.893.4622. I'd like to have at least somewhat of an idea so we can get a reservation if needed.

So far, I know Brent and Cam are in. Who else?

*UPDATE* Ok, John's in. James is 50/50. Brian? I've heard from 5 or 6 others, so I think we'll have a pretty good group.

Meet us at 6:30pm at Campisi's on Elm (MAP). Just look for the table of geeks talking about blogging, second life, or the like. Or just listen for a thick South African accent. Either way, you'll find us!

*UPDATE 2* And, Jake's in, too!

Likemind Dal 3

LikemindLikemind just keeps getting hugier and hugier. I'm not sure if that reads huge-ier or hug-ier, but I think both would be appropriate. Now, we're up to 17 cities all around the world. Check out Noah's blog for the complete list.

But, for the Dallasites, we're back to Panera Bread (map) at 8:00am this Friday, March 16. Do it to it.

UPDATE: Also, I didn't mention that the coffee is on Anomaly, so leave your wallets at home!