Do you live in a glass tower?

Well, Hot Damn, Hee-Haw, Three youtube posts in a row?!?!

Well, I've got no choice, after seeing this kickass video created by Peter Hirshberg of Technorati, and Michel Markman.  It's a sort-of War of the Worlds take on audience empowerment.

Money quote:

"With blind confidence, we considered them our own, our audience, our subscribers, our cuddly couch potatoes.  With infinite complacency, we blithely segmented and sold them to advertisers.  We learned to shape their habits, mold their desires and give them the illusion of infinite choice.  Yet, from their side of the screen, with envious eyes, they studied us,  And bit by bit, they learned, and linked, and drew their plans against us, wielding weapons we, ourselves, provided."

Just brilliant.  Thanks to Chris Anderson for posting this today.