It's the links I love, my friend

Some good, good from the past couple days.Exp_people_1

Understanding the 1% rule: Motivations - Church of the Customer
Here's just a jumping off point from the upcoming book release from CotC, beginning to explain the basic motivation behind joining the one percent club, complete with an apt comparison to Hollister motorcycle gangs.  Why is it so great to be a one percenter, be it a motorcycle gang or a digg voter?  You guessed it...the community.

Brand Affinity Through Stories + Experience - Logic + Emotion
David Armano creates another  argument for the removal of silos, this time between Experience People and Storytellers.  The best brands, and the most effective campaigns are born out of both storytelling and the user experience, and when the two are working together, on strategy, that's where the magic happens. (see attached graphic)

Connectedness, Not Content -

The medium is the message...The reason the internet changed the world isn't necessarily just because we can watch video or download music, it's because of the easy connections it makes. 

We can't leave innovation up to our users - Creating Passionate Users
Ah, Kathy, always with the great posts.  Sometimes it's up to the creators to revolutionize, to create markets where before they didn't exist.  Then, it's up to us to listen and improve from there...