Bravo, Bravia

BraviaSony, by producing something so captivating as the Bravia Balls, actually drew people closer to them.  A troubled company was given a face people could love.  It's the beauty of making an ad so simple and emotive.  For a few seconds, it was easy to separate Bravia from the company we hated for loading spyware on our computers without telling us. 

And, now, they're out to do it again.  They've created a blog to release information on the eagerly awaited second installment, and to be honest with you, I can't friggin' wait.  If you thought throwing a half million rubber balls down the streets of San Francisco sounded stupid, wait until you hear about exploding a shitload of paint and fireworks over a building in Scotland. 

I really love the fact that they've created buzz like this around an ad that hasn't even been created. I feel like I'm waiting for the next Scorsese film. 

It's also indicative of that fact that in the days of the DVR outcry from traditional addies, that people aren't turned off just by advertising, they're turned off by lazy, formulaic, crap advertising.  Make your messages unforgettable, no matter the platform.

Here's a video shot by someone who showed up to watch the filming: