The HammerNet

M.C. Hammer is back with a brand new invention, something grabs a hold of him tightly, then he flows like a harpoon daily and nightly, will it ever stop? Yo, I don't know...

Damnit, I think I've mixed up my shitty rappers from the early 90's.

M.C. Hammer makes his triumphant return to the spotlight with the stupidest idea on the planet, DanceJam, which has over a million bucks in funding from big wigs like Michael Arrington of Techcrunch. Of course, I felt the same sentiment about the dumbest-ass show ever, Dancing with the Stars, so what do I know.

It's basically a YouTube for people dancing. Can we please stop with the "YouTube of Whatever" thing? We already have a youtube. There's lots of dancing videos there. I promise. Search dancing. They're all over the place.

Okay, I'm really just bitching because I know it's going to work. I guess it's hammer time after all.

I wonder if ABBA is an investor, as well...

Eat, Sleep, Blog Episode 6

Sean, Gavin and I are back with another episode of Eat, Sleep, Blog using Kaltura. Seems to be much easier for us to get together when we don't actually have to coordinate time zones and what not.

And this time, the lovely Katie Chatfield makes another appearance on the show while presenting her wildly successful Mountain Dew campaign. Sean plays dress up, Gavin looks smarter than the rest of us, and I play with my new flip video. (highly recommended)

Here are Gavin's highlights...

  • Sean leads us out and straight into trouble -- man-style trouble. Well, you will see what I mean. (0:00)
  • The Grim Reaper's ugly assistant drops by (2:55) to introduce our special guest star, Katie Chatfield (3:45), talking about some of her great recent work for Mountain Dew
  • Paul unpacks his thinking around extreme sports, brand association and niche marketing without swearing once. True (7:02)! But then, he was the one who brought up paedophiles in the first place.
  • Sean gets the chance to imagine himself in Captain Kirk's tight fitting velour sweater and showcase the great William Shattner's efforts at hawking Commodore 64s way back when home computers were a revolution (8:43).

Peta Girl

Gotta love Fred Leo over at Beanstalk Talk, the Ad Giants blog.

You may have heard my rants on the stupidity of the train wreck model of advertising PETA uses to gain attention for their causes. Hooray for nudity, boo to killing stuff. Anyway, Fred put it to music with his song, PETA girl.

Give it a listen.

What are your cruel intentions
with your advocacy
Yes you have a lot to say
with your nekkedidity

you can change the world
my sweet little peta girl
yes you can rock this world
but  rock mine first, sweet peta girl

Tune In Saturdays: Sometimes It Rains

SometimesitrainsI get those annoying band requests over on the myspace page pretty much constantly. I realize you can turn them off, but I refuse because through all the bullshit crap that I usually get, there's also the occasional gem like Dallas' own, Sometimes It Rains.

I couldn't really find much about these guys past the fact that they go to SMU, and their debut EP was mixed by Mark Pirro of Tripping Daisy and Polyphonic Spree fame. But they get a huge bonus for putting up their first release, Elijah Wood You Please Sign Us, for free download on their myspace page, as well as the obvious influence of some of by favorite bands, most notably Built to Spill.

From Flawed Logic:

"I’ve spent the past two hours listening and re-listening to this release, trying to come up with something negative to say. I don’t like being 100% positive because it implies that there’s nothing better that could have been done - that it was a perfect album. Unfortunately for the time being, it’s going to have to stay that way. For God’s sake, they have the entire thing available for download 100% free on their website. Absolutely recommended."

So, it's friggin' free. Go download it. You'll like it, I promise.

Sometimes It Rains - Motion Sickness (mp3)
Sometimes It Rains - You Got Me Thinking (mp3)

Dallas is Full of Stupider People and Saggier Pants

DumbshitdallasoohIn an earlier post, we found out the Dallas is full of stupid people and saggy pants, and now, with a special thanks to rabid Rad Sox fan Lori Magno, we have confirmation on both counts.

Not only do we waste money on the stupidest, ugliest, shittiest, most asinine billboards of all time, we can't even get the grammar right. I guess that's what we get for worrying more about our clothing policies than our piss poor educational system.

Pullem' Up?

So it doesn't mean Pull Them Up, with the apostrophe replacing the th?


Tune In Saturdays: Liam Finn

Btwliam_finn1Although I buy a ton of music, it's rare that I get this excited about something new. Dr. Dog was probably the last one. Liam Finn is the next. A native Australian and current New Zealander, Liam is far from new to the scene after growing up with a family in the business (poppa finn Neil was in Crowded House). The album is friggin' fantastic, full of sing-alongs and great melodies.

From Stereogum:

"We like to wait 'til we've got a full record to play with before whipping out the BTW brand, but one listen of the masterful pop composition "Second Chance" sealed 23-year-old Liam Finn's fate with no need for second chances, or guesses. On his debut LP, the Kiwi takes all the writing credits and most of the musical ones, too, a one-man band approach apparently he recreates during his heralded live gigs, jumping from bass and guitar loops to the drums and back to the mic. Didn't realize it at the time, but we saw him at Coachella, on stage with Crowded House. Nice gig, but there was a bit of nepotism to Liam's securing that slot (note the last name). Royal rock pedigree, but more than just the name Liam got his pop Neil's songcrafting genes."

Liam Finn - Second Chance (mp3)
Liam Finn - Lead Balloon (mp3)
Liam Finn - Second Chance (video)


And the ESB returns with some questionable content, some dressing up, some yucks and the very first try with Kaltura, a platform that allows us to have poor control of our technology one at a time instead of all at the same time. Actually, pretty cool. Thumbs up. Flektor, bring this to me.

Please disregard my famously bad hair. Sean and Gavin, I will fight you for kisses.

Fight for Kisses
So you think you can market?

Dallas is full of stupid people & saggy pants

SagpantsHere's the latest in this thriving metroplis...

The war against saggy pants will intensify Tuesday as Dallas City Hall kicks off its ad campaign against the fashion faux pas.

The first of more than two dozen billboards advising people to “Pullem’ Up” will be unveiled in parts of Dallas.

The first two signs are scheduled to go up at the intersections of Interstate 45 and Lamar St., and Interstate 35E and Illinois Ave.

The billboards will come in at least three different formats, including “Don’t Be Lame Elevate Your Game,” “Represent Yourself Like You Present Yourself,” and “That’s Not Hip-Hop That’s Flip Flop.”

After this, I think we'll do a campaign for throwing your money in the toilet. Because that's what this is. So frustrating. And that creative? Don't be lame elevate your game? Are you fucking kidding me? We're changing lives in Dallas people. How? By speaking the kids' language. Or at least by speaking the language of 40 year-old yuppie dumbasses pretending to speak the kids' language. Fuck.

Maybe we could have spent the money on EDUCATION.

At least they didn't just ban saggy pants altogether. Yet. This all just makes my head hurt.

Good week in the Bloggy Blogger Blogosphere.

JointheconversationBig ups to one of the more outspoken champions of new media, Joseph Jaffe, for the release of his new book, "Join the Mother Fuckin' Conversation, yo." Wait, scratch that. I think it's just called Join the Conversation. I was close, though. Anyway, we've Bumrushed the iTunes Charts for Black Lab, now it's time to Bumrush the Amazon Charts for the double J. Tomorrow (Sunday) is buy day. Do it.

My former and hopefully future vidcast co-host (along with the very artistic Sean), Gavin, has a new media contest a'brewin'. Go read for yourself, but basically the Bargain Queen has asked for social media marketing ideas to reach the male fashion gift buyer this Christmas. Winner gets an IPod. (Oh, and Gavin, feel free to go ahead and send it to me now). Get your thinking caps on! (does anybody still say thinking cap? That's okay, cause I do) (How many asides is that in this paragraph?)

Ah, Radiohead. Wouldn't have bought the album if it were in the store. But, I bought it cause they were trying something new, and seems there were a lot like me. 1.2 Million albums sold later at an average of 8 bucks a pop with no distribution costs past some bandwith and no shitty record label to get in the way, that's about 10 million bucks in a week. One week. That's more albums sold than their past three combined. Good for them for being first, I'm guessing take 2 will look different. But different how?

Work lightens a bit in a couple weeks. Then I'll be back in full force.