Thanks for the racism Sales Genie

SgmainlogoI'm seeing a pretty big spike in traffic right now thanks to the company that's proving that putting a shitty ad in the Super Bowl is more than a once in a lifetime opportunity. Thank you Sales Genie. After talking some shit about last years painfully un-entertaining (but reportedly successful) spot, I jumped up to page one in a Sales Genie google search (along with Cam). And one year later, Sales Genie's racism will likely keep me there another year.

Look for a more complete round-up tomorrow when all the ads are online. But as the magic 8 ball would say, outlook not good.

And sales genie, please, NO MORE IN-HOUSE ADVERTISING FOR YOU!

Sales Genie Super Bowl Commercial

Dear Google

BloggerDon't be evil? How about you try to just not be a dick first?

Apparently, it's more important that they make me comment using my blogger account than for me to be able to link back to the blog platform I actually use (typepad). At least they've done all that work on blogger to make me want to come back since they bought it (wait, no they didn't) and it's easy to switch (wait, no it's not).

So the new google mantra, "We may not be evil, but we reserve the right to be assholes."

and yes, that would be legendary blogger Tim Jackson's comment area. I encourage you all to bug him to bug google.

Dallas is full of stupid people & saggy pants

SagpantsHere's the latest in this thriving metroplis...

The war against saggy pants will intensify Tuesday as Dallas City Hall kicks off its ad campaign against the fashion faux pas.

The first of more than two dozen billboards advising people to “Pullem’ Up” will be unveiled in parts of Dallas.

The first two signs are scheduled to go up at the intersections of Interstate 45 and Lamar St., and Interstate 35E and Illinois Ave.

The billboards will come in at least three different formats, including “Don’t Be Lame Elevate Your Game,” “Represent Yourself Like You Present Yourself,” and “That’s Not Hip-Hop That’s Flip Flop.”

After this, I think we'll do a campaign for throwing your money in the toilet. Because that's what this is. So frustrating. And that creative? Don't be lame elevate your game? Are you fucking kidding me? We're changing lives in Dallas people. How? By speaking the kids' language. Or at least by speaking the language of 40 year-old yuppie dumbasses pretending to speak the kids' language. Fuck.

Maybe we could have spent the money on EDUCATION.

At least they didn't just ban saggy pants altogether. Yet. This all just makes my head hurt.