Good week in the Bloggy Blogger Blogosphere.

JointheconversationBig ups to one of the more outspoken champions of new media, Joseph Jaffe, for the release of his new book, "Join the Mother Fuckin' Conversation, yo." Wait, scratch that. I think it's just called Join the Conversation. I was close, though. Anyway, we've Bumrushed the iTunes Charts for Black Lab, now it's time to Bumrush the Amazon Charts for the double J. Tomorrow (Sunday) is buy day. Do it.

My former and hopefully future vidcast co-host (along with the very artistic Sean), Gavin, has a new media contest a'brewin'. Go read for yourself, but basically the Bargain Queen has asked for social media marketing ideas to reach the male fashion gift buyer this Christmas. Winner gets an IPod. (Oh, and Gavin, feel free to go ahead and send it to me now). Get your thinking caps on! (does anybody still say thinking cap? That's okay, cause I do) (How many asides is that in this paragraph?)

Ah, Radiohead. Wouldn't have bought the album if it were in the store. But, I bought it cause they were trying something new, and seems there were a lot like me. 1.2 Million albums sold later at an average of 8 bucks a pop with no distribution costs past some bandwith and no shitty record label to get in the way, that's about 10 million bucks in a week. One week. That's more albums sold than their past three combined. Good for them for being first, I'm guessing take 2 will look different. But different how?

Work lightens a bit in a couple weeks. Then I'll be back in full force.