The HammerNet

M.C. Hammer is back with a brand new invention, something grabs a hold of him tightly, then he flows like a harpoon daily and nightly, will it ever stop? Yo, I don't know...

Damnit, I think I've mixed up my shitty rappers from the early 90's.

M.C. Hammer makes his triumphant return to the spotlight with the stupidest idea on the planet, DanceJam, which has over a million bucks in funding from big wigs like Michael Arrington of Techcrunch. Of course, I felt the same sentiment about the dumbest-ass show ever, Dancing with the Stars, so what do I know.

It's basically a YouTube for people dancing. Can we please stop with the "YouTube of Whatever" thing? We already have a youtube. There's lots of dancing videos there. I promise. Search dancing. They're all over the place.

Okay, I'm really just bitching because I know it's going to work. I guess it's hammer time after all.

I wonder if ABBA is an investor, as well...