Another Big Week in the HeeHawsphere

Collage_march_5_lowThis has been an enormous week folks. First, Sean gave me the flu over email. What an asshole. I didn't know that could be done. But the extra time at home this weekend allowed me to unlock the secret of the Peach Slice Plus smoothie from Smoothie King. It's gonna save me a ton of cash. See, I told you. Big week.

But it pales in comparison to the weeks ahead. This Thursday, I leave for the biggest of big cities, the NYC for the first non-conference of its kind, the Blogger Social. A big thanks to the lovely Christina Kerley and his excellency of the blogosphere, Drew McClellan. How these people keep up with their own businesses and do as much as they do is beyond me. Either way, I'll be meeting a ton of my favorite marketing bloggers from 8 different countries around the world. Good times and all that.

Following the blogger social will be a trip West to Ad:Tech San Francisco courtesy of the great folks over at the Madison Avenue Journal. Sean, Katie, Matt and Eric will be there, too. My cup runeth over with bloggy goodness, I tell you.

Anyway, this years topic is "Brand Strategy and the Expanding World of Digital Marketing." In the next few days, you'll see an article from me about the ongoing struggle between the brand folks and the numbers folks, and how the internets may be bringing the two together. Slowly, anyway.

Seriously, I can't wait for this. Lots of juicy topics, fantastic roundtables and some of the better presenters around including Digg's Kevin Rose, NBC's George Kliavkoff, Neilsen's Pete Blackshaw, and Barack Obama's former pastor Jeremiah Wright. would be Nokia's Jeremy Wright. Only slightly less inflammatory, I hope.

I can't wait to see you guys in both New York and San Francisco. Drop me a line if you plan to be at either of these, as well. I expect many group hugs.
