Geek Dinner Dallas Only Slightly Geeky

CampisisSo, I was looking to buy a new camera for all my picture taking needs. And, to my surprise, Jaffe suggested I try out the new Nikon D80. After seeing this beast in action, I realized that I love it. I want to marry it, and have little camera babies. Actually, during my conversation with many world leaders and other influential people, they all said that the Nikon D80 was surely the greatest piece of machinery ever created by the human hand. It's magical, almost. Nikon, I love you. Mwwwaahhh!

Can I have my free camera now?

Besides meeting the Nikon in person last night, I also met other Dallas giants of advertising goodness. Such as John Keehler of, Brent and Trey of Trabian, Texas Instruments guru Nikhil, the Community Guy Jake McKee, Sean, Tracy and Kip of Slingshot, the super-consultant Jeannine, and of course the guest of honor to our fair burg, Joseph Jaffe.

Actually, a mighty fine group, full of strong opinions and smart thinking, and all the good stuff you need at a geek dinner. Luckily the coasts don't have a monopoly on all that. (Just ask Matt).

Alright, so we'll have another soon enough. I'll keep you posted. Thanks guys!