Hee-Haw in the News: Let's Kill Some Trees for a Cause


In case you haven't heard enough of my ranting and raving here, you can check out my appearance in the Dallas Morning News' daily paper, Quick DFW. Big thanks to Lesley Tellez and Quick for letting me waste a little space for them, and for being gracious enough to call me an ad guru. The t-shirts are being printed as we speak.

From print me:

Q:  (Lesley) What's the biggest mistake companies make in trying to reach the young demographic?

A: The biggest mistake is to assume that they give a crap about you. This is true across all demographics, but maybe more pronounced or obvious in the younger segment. This group has grown up with total control of their media environment, advertising included, and too many [companies] think they can just stroll in with screeching guitars while adding "for your generation" to the end of a tagline and expect that to connect.