Another Trip Around the Internetosphere

Me Politico Televisor
Thought only John McCain and the RNC can run baseless attack ads on TV? Think again! Now, from the comfort of your own living room, you can run whatever political ads you want, on whatever networks you want, for as little as 50 bucks (or even less!). Thanks SaysME.TV! And thanks to the bullshit observer...

Designing the Future of Business
From Marty Neumeier, the man who brought us the absurdly amazing Brand Gap prezzer, and one of my favorite little branding books, Zag. Another article describing the future of design as the driver of innovation.

"A company can't will itself to be agile. Agility is an emergent property that appears when an organization has the right mindset, the right skills, and the ability to multiply those skills through collaboration. To count agility as a core competence, you have to embed it into the culture. You have to encourage an enterprisewide appetite for radical ideas. You have to keep the company in a constant state of inventiveness. It's one thing to inject a company with inventiveness. It's another thing to build a company on inventiveness."

Impossible is Nothing
Michael Cera's take on the video that ruined the biggest ego ever created. It's no drunk history, but still, pretty damn funny. Via Mike Aruz.

Postcards from Yo Momma
All the funny shit Momma's say via email and IM to their grown-up babies. Via erin.

A funny one:

Pussy Cat Folks

Mom:  Are you watching the MTV Awards?

Me:  Nah, don’t really care about them much.  Thanks though.

Mom:  Oh, well the Pussy Cat Folks are performing.  You’re missing quite a show!

University Lipdub
Pretty cool single shot music video from some college kids.

And finally, go join up and friend me. It kicks ass. Like twitter for music. Do it.