Tune In Saturdays (sort of): The Ruby Suns

Ruby_sunsThis week, we'll feature New Zealand by-way-of-Los Angeles orchestral pop rock band, The Ruby Suns.I'd describe them as a little bit Animal Collective, a little bit Polyphonic Spree, mixed with a lot of crazy sounds and happy harmonies. Fun stuff. Look out for them in an Apple commercial near you. That's my prediction of the day.

From Pitchfork:

Sea Lion, therefore, has a fair amount of clutter-- expect comparisons to musically busy peers like Panda Bear or the Russian Futurists, and to the jumbled orchestral experimentation of Olivia Tremor Control-- but the album's building blocks ooze with a homespun grace. Opener "Blue Penguin" rubs the sleep out of its eyes before grinding a dirty acoustic guitar into overdriven tape. The tender horns on "Remember" are reminiscent of the gentle indie rock of Beulah before introducing a coda of warm, looped sighing. "Adventure Tour"'s high-pitched, descending choruses recall Avey Tare. "Tane Mahuta", sung in indigenous Maori, provides the sole link to McPhun's adopted home, but the song's furious strumming and dewy harmonies are straight from power- and African- (think Tabu Ley) pop.

The Ruby Suns - There are Birds (mp3)
The Ruby Suns - Tane Muhata (video)