Tune In Saturdays: France Gall

Consider this the France Gall is the coolest person ever edition. I'm sure most of you have already heard of her, but I've just been picking up snippets here and there until I finally broke down and bought the album. It's fuckin' awesome in that pretentious "I'm so cool that I can get away with listening to french pop" sort of way. And, in case it's in question, yes I am.

France Gall - Poupee de Cire, Poupee de Son (video)

France Gall - La Rose des Vents (video)

France Gall - Baby Pop (not the greatest song, but most ridiculous video ever)

France Gall - Cet Air La  (mp3)

And last, but not least, perhaps the coolest song ever written...
France Gall - Laisse Tomber les Filles (mp3)