AT&T Knows the Future. And apparently, they'll be bringing it to us.

Over at the Fallon blog, they dug up these AT&T ads created in 1993 (and dated by the voice of Tom Selleck) with an uncanny ability to tell the future.

Have you ever borrowed a book from thousand of miles away? Crossed the country without stopping for directions? Or sent someone a fax from the beach? You will.

Have you ever paid a toll without slowing down? Bought concert tickets from cash machines. Or tucked your baby in, from a phone booth? You will.

Have you ever opened doors with the sound of your voice? Carried your medical history in your wallet? Or attended a meeting in your bare feet? You will.

Have you ever watched the movie you wanted to, the minute you wanted to? Learned special things from far away places? Or tucked your baby in from a phone both? You will.

Too bad they couldn't see far enough into the future to know that illegally wiretapping your customers and jumping into bed with the RIAA is a bad idea. But, I wish they'd hurry up and make some more. I'd like to see what 2021 will be like.

Maybe they'll go something like this...

Have you ever not been able to log on to a website, because your ISP said you couldn't? Downloaded a song, and been thrown in jail the next day? Or heard the stale breath of the NSA, as they tap your phone? You will. And the company that'll bring it to you, AT&T.

Thanks, assholes!

via Diablogue.