Tune In Saturdays: The Spinto Band

I don't usually post about country music. Luckily, today will be no different. I'll just stick with all the oooh's and la's and hoo's and ha's that made the Beach Boys and the Beatles such greatness.

The Spinto Band is a sextet from Delaware. Yes, Delaware. Apparently there is something good there. You'll see these guys playing with past Tune In luminaries such as Dr. Dog.

And the obligatory stolen review from Pitchfork:

"Indeed, the group's college-age members rarely fail to build on their obvious indie influences with swooning California melodies and quirky instrumentation. Of particular note is Krill's "Oh Mandy", a ringing anthem of unrequited love, lush with mandolins and theremin. It namedrops the WB-- hey, "Dawson's Creek" was filmed in Wilmington...N.C.-- but is probably perfect for "The O.C." (that's meant as a compliment, guys). Another standout is "Trust Vs. Mistrust", which rides glockenspiel and a catchy "ah-ooh, ah-ooh" hook into another Pavement-esque verse about young, well-mannered lust."


The Spinto Band - Trust vs. Mistrust (mp3)

The Spinto Band - Oh, Mandy (video)

The Spint Band - Brown Boxes (video)

And just because I'll be at the show tonight, I thought I'd post some new stuff from another former tune in feature.

The Polyphonic Spree - Running Away (mp3)

The Polyphonic Spree - Watch Us Explode (Justify) (mp3)