As Television Shifts Towards the Consumer, Will Advertising?

Tapdance3My latest Madison Avenue Journal article just went live today. Shockingly enough, I'm annoyed with how poorly we've made our way into these new interweb video platforms.

"Television is in the middle of a revolution. Even the dissenters decrying the death of the thirty second spot are coming around, accepting the fact that declining influence and escalating prices will eventual equal abundant unsold inventory for less and less valued networks.

But, these dissenters are wrong to admit it so easily. While there has been some innovation with advertising structures for those involved in these new platforms, they have still remained heavily reliant on the thirty second spot. It's the umbilical cord that advertisers have grown far too old to have still attached. I don't blame NBC, CBS, Joost or anyone else fleshing out these new distribution models nearly as much as I blame us, the lazy advertiser looking for something that more closely resembles the things we're most used to."

Read the whole article here.