NBC Launching New Social Network

Seems NBC is launching their own social network.

Socialsmallnbc I saw this small text link on the NBC.com site while looking for some info for Vaspers. It read "social networking - coming soon." So, of course, NBC will offer blogs, personal profiles, friends (or "buddies" in this instance), message boards, etc. But people really care about the shows, not the network.

And as long as they remember that, this could be a powerful move. As annoyed as I am with the onslaught of new social networks (and really, just stop. you won't be the next myspace, I promise), It really depends on where the focus is. If it's a place for people to gather and talk about Heroes, or the Office, or whatever, that does makes some sense. While I may still be more inclined to focus my time on MySpace or Facebook, it is a chance for me to get some dedicated Heroes talk from time to time.

Nbcsocialn At some point, there will need to be some aggregation. Obviously, groups on MySpace and Facebook just aren't satisfying the obvious need for interaction and segmentation on the micro level while retaining the one-stop-shop on the macro level. Unfortunately, it'll take a pretty big leap for these companies to start allowing a single home to cater to all my social networking needs. And that sucks for us. Now, can we quit with new ones? It's enough of a pain in the ass to keep up with already.