The Kohl's Backlash: Will the Haw Shame Spiral?

Kohls5Uh oh, I just got some Kohl's backlash from Mike over at  Apparently Mike likes to make points, but isn't really a big fan of, you know, thinking them through.

Over at his blog, he has questioned my integrity in dealing with the Kohl's photos.

"Paul McEnany/Hee-Haw Marketing made a trip to Dallas Kohl’s store around Christmas and found much of the store in disarray. And, from those photos, that store did look pretty bad — at that moment

But, for all we know, that may have been an extremely busy day, and atypical for that Kohl’s or any Kohl’s store. So, did McEnany go back later to see if the mess was a one-day deal or a pattern?

It doesn’t look like it to me.

And, while he may have received some great traffic, Kohl’s got a bit of a black eye. All because of McEnany’s jumping to conclusions."

Yes, Mike, it is totally MY fault that Kohl's got the black eye. 

So while he accused me of taking a snapshot of a situation, without properly investigating, he also forgot to actually read the comments from the multitude of others with similar experiences.  Nor did he read the multiple times I said I WOULD be going back to take pictures.

I am not a journalist, nor do I think most bloggers should be treated as such. I went into a store, and it looked like shit. What if it was a restaurant, and I took pictures of rats hanging out in the kitchen? Should I then just ASSUME it's a one-time thing?

It's not incumbent upon bloggers, or anyone else, for that matter, to become apologists for any company. Sure, we all have our good days and bad, but in most cases, you're not good every day, and then all of the sudden have a moment of pathetic disarray. If that were the case, I might have seen at least one person attempting to clean up.

Anyway, thanks Mike. Apparently I was in the mood for a rant.