Tune In Saturdays: Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin

SslybyIn a move that could be dubbed the third most pompous thing to ever happen on Weller Street in Springfield, Missouri, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin has announced on their website that they are the third best band on Weller Street in Springfield, Missouri.  Crazy, I know.

And the review from Pitchfork:

"Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin are four Missourians who sound like every strummy bunch of white boys from the 1990s who homaged even strummier white boys from the 60s, but damn if their pop chops aren't convincing."

Damn straight. A review that makes sense. I'm in!

They've got the sleepy pop thing down to a T, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them show up on some Sub Pop-ian west coast label sometime in the near future. Think Matt Pond PA meshed with Death Cab for Cutie, but playing in my backyard.

I especially like their website design here and here. It's damn perrtty. And here's the MySpace.

Below is the most hifi video ever made (of pangea, by sslyby).