News You Can Abuse

NewsIn filthy retailer news, Walmart has now been Kohl'ed by another stealthy cell phone photographer. Umm, guys, can we start cleaning up our messes now?  Thanks to Random Culture for the tip...

In coffee and morning news, Coffee Morning Second Life is coming THIS THURSDAY, 8AM CST, and each Thursday following, to Crayonville. Mmmmm, virtual coffee....

In other coffee and morning news, Likemind comes to Dallas THIS FRIDAY, 8AM CST at Panera. Come drink coffee and enjoy, you know, the coffee.  And probably the conversation, too.

And in collaborative book writing news, uber-pontificator Joe Jaffe has opened up a chapter of his new book, Join the Conversation, to us, the conversers. To contribute go here. (I wonder if they'll leave in all my fucks and shits?!)

awesome photo from xiaomin