The Most Popular Dallas Marketing Podcast in the World is Back!

DmzThat's right people, it's back. The DMZ, and this time the injured list is clear, and we've got the full squad.  Thank god the Copyblogger will be rejoining.  We had significantly less groupies this week after missing our token celebrity, Brian Clark.

When? Tuesday, Jan. 16, 8pm CST
Where? Blog Talk Radio, Call (646) 915.8556
Huh? In this episode, it's all about the meme. We'll be discussing Michael Wagner's thin slice meme, as uber-daddy, Cam Beck wrote about here.
Why? Because we're cool like that.

And, just to fulfill my attention whoriness, if you dug the whole Kohl's thing, go here and digg it for realz.  And with that, I promise to stop replacing s's with z's, droppin' yo's, homey's, peeps, and yo homey's, because I've got to be more professional (and shit).