Tune In Saturdays: Grizzly Bear

GrizzlybearOh, Fuck!  I almost forgot about Tune In Saturdays.  What a shame it would have been, and you may have never known the genius of Grizzly Bear.

Forgive me, but this one will be lazy, with one kickass band, and one totally yanked review.

From Pitchfork:

"Grizzly Bear have stepped up their songwriting in every way, assembling melodies that proceed in a logical fashion but never sound overused or overly familiar. Yellow House is a much better record than we could rightfully have expected from these guys, better, even, than we could have imagined them making. And I find myself wondering how much further they might go..."

Couldn't agree more. 

Listen to On a Neck, on a Spit, or clips from the whole record, or check out their myspace.