And, just so you know, We know.

1118Today was ad conference day for the old Hee Haw in beautiful Austin, Texas, complete with buzz words, synergies, viral video, CGC, podcasting, blogs, branded entertainment...zzz...zz...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

If there's one thing marketers know how to do is spew a bunch of bullshit, and seem like they know what the hell they're talking about. But one thing I now understand, is that none of them know what the fuck they're talking about.  Everybody's arching darts towards a dartboard from 300 feet, and trying to make themselves feel good about it.

Alright, maybe it's not so dire. A few have some good ideas, and some good intentions, so you just throw your hat in with people with a little righteous conviction, and enjoy the ride.

Which brings me to good old Joseph Jaffe, author of Life After the 30 second spot and newly-anointed leader of Crayon, who I finally got to meet today. Lucky for me, he was gracious enough to allow some time for an interview. If there's one thing the man's got, it's a ton of righteous conviction.

Audio to come hopefully before Thanksgiving, and the print version to come over at The Madison Avenue Journal, at a time to be determined.

*Just to clarify, no, I'm not saying that those things I listed above are bullshit.  Quite the opposite. So quit hassling me, punk.