Crayon: Congratulations to Me

Crayon_logo_smCrayon has launched, and I've refrained from really saying too much, partly because I wasn't sure what it would become, but also because I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

I couldn't figure it out, all the right things are being said.  We should be flocking like sheep to their lead, right?  Well, no.  Not yet, at least.

I figured it out while listening to the official Second Life launch on Across the Sound this morning.  It felt very self-congratulatory.

Let me explain.  Jaffe, as a new media pundit, along with the rest of his team of colors, are meant to be loud, audacious, opinionated.  I love the rants, the unabashed faithfulness to finding a better way.  But, that's as Jaffe, the man, or C.C., or Shel or Neville, as people.  But, this is different. 

While they are probably all walking the walk every day, and much better than me, with this new company, I want to see the work.  It's all about the work.  And, only because they are brand new, there is none.  At least not collectively. 

While I respect that they're setting up shop in Second Life, and they'll be using new approaches, it still feels backwards.  Get out there, make fucking rockin' work, and stand behind it  Don't yell about what you're going to do, just fucking do it, and then yell about that.  At the end of the day, that's the only thing that matters to anyone from the outside looking in.  I don't care how you got there, just get there.

Crayon has the opportunity to change world, I truly believe that.  No one has gotten it right yet, but someone will.  I trust the cast they've put together to make good decisions to represent new marketing faithfully in the way it should be represented, so they probably have a better chance than most others.  I guess I just wish the work spoke first.

And, that goes for all of us, really.  It's not yet time to pat ourselves on the back.  We all know that there are bigger and better things to come. But, the fact that we feel it doesn't yet make it real.  We have no choice but to continually stand behind the work we do, so, throw the parade for that, not for just showing up to the party.