
Paul_ck_2_3The lovely Christina Kerley threw on a cowboy hat and some boots, and two-stepped her way to Texas last night, taking over the town like I'm guessing she takes over most towns. 

A quick blogger cliche rundown, perhaps?

1.  Felt like I knew her for years...check.
2.  Is a real person...check.
3.  Interesting, great conversation...check.
4.  Got drunk...check.  Ok, maybe that's not a normal thing to say after a blogger meetup, but c'mon, you know you do it, too.

What's the hardest question to answer going into last night?

Friend: Hey, man.  So, what are you doing tonight?

Me: Ahhh, Fuck!!!!   Oh, I mean, ummm...

...well, meeting this, umm, blogger-type person.

Friend: Blogger-type person?  Are you internet dating?

Me: No, fucker.  It's like, a, you know, work thing, sort of, but with blogs.

Friend: Dude, you're so gay.

And, yes, I am so gay.  Not in the traditional sense, but just an overall air of geekiness.

But, I tell you what, it was all worth it.  Good steaks, good booze, and good conversation.  Even a late night call to our friend, Mack, who blew us off.  Well, maybe he was sleeping, but whatever.

And, my favorite thing from the night.  It's late as shit.  I'm having trouble stringing 3 coherent words together, and CK, of course, still, somehow, has the energy of 3 toddlers, combined.  So, it being the Saturday before Halloween, there were plenty of costumed revelers out and about.  At this late hour, CK decides to complement a pack of girls on their "costumes."

CK: So, what are you guys supposed to be tonight, the Supremes?

Drunk Girls: Uhh, we're not dressed up.

Priceless. Pictures to come over at CK's Blog.