Ball of Whacks: A Product Pitch, well kinda

Whack_pcmona1Roger Von Oech, the inventor of the Ball of Whacks, long time champion of innovation and inspiration, and all-around nice guy got me talking about his creativity tool by just jumping in and starting conversations.  Honestly, I have no clue how we really got to talking, either he commented over here, or I commented over at his place, and I had already read about it over at David's place, and the rest is history. 

Now, will anything I have to say move the needle?  Probably not, at least not anytime soon.  But, Roger is here, ready and waiting, writing and reading, and after a few more people hear about him and his product, those conversations will come easier and faster.  And the best part is, Roger is such an easy guy to build a rapport with, it makes the BoW easy for people to want to talk about.

So follow Roger's rules of blogobuzz:
1. Make a product you are passionate about.  If you're not passionate about it, you can't really expect anyone else to be.
2. Become a part of the community.  And that doesn't mean starting a blog, then immediately jumping up on your high horse while you declare yourself master blogger.  That means getting gritty, reading, commenting, and caring about the voices of others. 
3. Be generous.  Be nice.  Then be super nice.  Or, in Roger's case, just be yourself.
4. Don't pitch.  If you're pitching, the other guy is getting pitched. Just make a good product and set it free.
5. Be interesting.  Roger's got a great story to tell, and he tells it well.

Also, check out BMA for more...