My Spell Checker: 1984 Dictionary Certified

Spelling2Sometimes it's the little things that can make or break an experience.  For instance, when I spell check "Google" using blogger, I damn well expect it not to get kicked back, you know, considering Google owns it and all. 

I decided to test a few Web 2.0-y words in both Typepad and Blogger, and found that they pretty much both suck, with a slightly-less sucking edge to Typepad.  How hard could it possibly be to fix this?  It doesn't take much time for me to ignore it, but aggregate that across the rest of the blogosphere against the four minutes it would take them to fix it...You get the picture.


Yes - recognized as a word, No - Not recognized

Google - Typepad (Yes) Blogger (No)  -- How ridiculous is that?!?
Technorati - Typepad (No) Blogger (No)
Yahoo - Typepad (Yes) Blogger (Yes)
Blog - Typepad (Yes) Blogger (No) -- If blog is not a real word in Blogger's book, they may have some problems...
Blogger - Typepad (No) Blogger (No) -- You've got to be kidding me.
Typepad - Typepad (Yes) Blogger (No)
YouTube - Typepad (No) Blogger (No)
Wikipedia - Typepad (No) Blogger (No)
Podcast - Typepad (No) Blogger (No)
Myspace - Typepad (No) Blogger (No)
Blogosphere - Typepad (No) Blogger (No)
RSS - Typepad (No) Blogger (No)
Firefox - Typepad (No) Blogger (No)
Widget - Typepad (Yes) Blogger (Sometimes) Blogger only recognizes this as a proper name for some reason.

Again, this isn't the end of the world, but the devil is always in the details.  When you're dealing with an audience of tech-savvy bloggers in a flooded market, a little thing like your spell checker can go a long way towards telling your story for you.  Let's hope the rest of the details say something different.