The Fix is In 3

(3) A Bad Case of Monetary Balls-lessness.Noballs_1
Commissions continually shrink, as agencies get squeezedtighter for every dollar. That’s right, no more first-class, limos and Cristal for you. These commoditized agencies can do nothing but beg, because why wouldn’t a client go to the lowest bidder if an agency doesn’t offer them something someone else can’t? It’s a vicious cycle of lowering, and whimpering, further lowering, and louder whimpering.

The Fix:
First, you start by owning your inner snowflake. Obviously, there are aspects of any agency that are similar, but you must indulge in your individuality to demand the most dollars.

With our own fees, and commissions that are based solely on the price tag of ad buys, not performance, we’ve painted ourselves into an all-or-nothing corner. Either you perform immediately or you’re fired. This black and white proposition doesn’t allow much time for growth, and these days more than ever, long-term, growth-based relationships are much more important than short-term cash grabs.

It’s time to find measurements that work for both the clients and the agency, and base the income off these benchmarks.  An agency doing its job is an agency getting paid.  Period.

If we can’t stand behind our product, then how can we possibly expect our clients to stand behind us?

photo from flickr.