It's the links I love, my friend

And here's me, taking a page out of Mack's Viral Community handbook, and doing a little roundup of my own.  There's just such a great network of great minds out there right now, I'd hate for anyone to miss out.  And, with that...

Social Networking: Lessons from Overseas - Chaos Scenerio
A social networking site not a slave to the advertisers?   Cyworld's kicking ass by finding a business model that makes money without annoying interstitials. 

Elements of Customer Experience - Experience Planner
The EP's on a quest to understand and describe customer experience.

Theory is good.  Theory being put into action and proven is better - The Viral Garden

Mack is a communal badass, and has been tracking Universal Pictures' amazingly smart, money-saving, time-efficient move to involve the blogging community in the marketing of Miami Vice.  Thousands of engaged eyeballs later, Universal will surely be exclaiming, "Thank you sir, May I have another?!?!"  Kudos to Mack and Chris over at Movie Marketing Madness.

Fix Me. Save Me. Don't Let Me Break - CK's Blog
CK's about doing what every good marketer should, keeping her ear to the ground.  If you haven't checked out her blog, yet, you probably can't read.

10 Habits of Highly Annoying Agency Humans - Advergirl
I love me some advergirl.  She accurately describes the people that making our working lives even more workier.  And yes, I know, workier is not a word.

The Underground Blogosphere
- Micro Persuasion
A-Lister Steve Rubel describes the phenomenon of bloggers shilling blogs to other blogs through email. It's the blogging equivalent of Behind the Music.  I must say, I have a little trouble doing it.  I'll admit, I've sent a couple links, but literally, that means two.  I sent one to Godin, and one to Jaffe, and then I felt like a blog whore and went into a shame spiral.  Anybody else feel this way, too?  I just feel so dorky trying to send a link of something I wrote.

Read 'em up!