It's the Links I Love, My Friend

AppleSocial Media: Who's Hot, Who's Not - The Viral Garden
Mack takes a look at the rankings of the top Social Media sites.  YouTube continues to kickarse. I hope they keep hanging on, but some other smaller sites have a more sustainable model. How will they make money?  That's the billion dollar question.

Blog Traffic #2: Excuse Me, Who Are You? -
Noah makes a case for finding a narrow, but engaging topic for your blog.  I listened and started a puppy dentistry blog.  It didn't work.

Blog Interview with Jeremiah Owyang - Marketing Nirvana
Part 1
Part 2
Mario and Jeremiah delve into the wonderful world of corporate blogging, and trust me, we're all better for it.

Why the YouTube Pitch Ruled - Experience Curve
I've been squarely in Karl's corner throughout this whole fiasco.  I see it like this, on a scale of 1 to 10, they get 10 points for having some big ol' balls, and a 5 for execution, which gives them an average of 7.5.  Not too bad.  (5 comes from 1 pt for going viral and 4 pts for whenweroll blog).

On being human... - CK's Blog

CK makes the case for the humanization of Apple in their newest ad campaign.  Really, I would consider myself not a fan of the new campaign, but the point of the post couldn't be more spot on.  Sometimes products are treated as if they are just the things we own, when really, they are the things that define who we are. They're an extension of our own personalities, desires and needs, and should be marketed/treated as such.

Get it while the gettin's good!