
Ford has actually made the leap, and finally did something bold.

That's right, they've not only hired Kelly Clarkson, but they also tied up Taylor Hicks.


Obviously, I kid Ford.  And they deserve it.  They rolled out this Bold Moves campaign, not by actually being bold, but by merely saying that they are bold.  You remember that old thing where positioning your product meant you told your customers what you were, and the masses accepted it as true?  Well, apparently, Ford was feeling some positioning nostalgia, and, thankfully, the nostalgia has worn off.

Ford rolled out this new website, complete with dissenting opinions, not particularly flattering news, and a documentary, that, at the very least, took a marginally honest viewpoint of the state of their company.  Most bloggers have only been begrudgingly congratulatory to Ford. Some said that it only speaks to their stakeholders. 

Of course, but don't most campaigns?  Settle the troops.  Give them some tools to defend the company.  Don't let your supporters hang freely in the wind with nothing from you but some American Idol trainwreck.  I give them some big congratulations, and can only hope this will be successful for them.  Their eyes are opening, here's hoping the stay that way.

I'm still not buying a Ford anytime soon, but they've held back some on the bullshit, and gained a little respect in the process.

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