The Passion Economy

"The building blocks of the Passion Economy are individuals. Talentedindividuals. Talented frustrated individuals white hot and waiting for an output to pour their condensed frustration into and smelt a new thing. And we live in a creative age with a huge creative class. How would it be if we could connect the passions of our creative  consumers and address their frustrations? Facilitate, educate and promote their inherent talents as members of the connected age to make a difference?"

--Katie Chatfield

The Passion Economy is the fantastic new ebook from Sean Howard that takes a look at the possibilities if our economy becomes driven by the connection of passionate individuals.

Some of the brightest minds in social media took part, including:

Scott Suthren
Ellen Di Resta
Gavin Heaton
Charles Frith
Mike Wagner
Mack Collier
Mike Arauz
Katie Chatfield
Alan Wolk
Peter Flaschner
Matthew Milan

Download the ebook:

The Passion Economy: opportunity for brands or jut a fad?

or check it out on scribd:

The Passion Economy eBook

Age of Conversation: Authors Gone Wild

Conversation_2You've all read the first iteration of the world famous blogger book Age of Conversation, now it's time to make a 2008 version. It'll be bigger, better and even bookier than the first. Guaranteed. Read all about it over at Drew's place.

So here's what you need to know. If you're looking to throw in your two cents, email Drew, and let him know you're interested.

Then head on over to survey monkey, and tell Drew and Gavin what the topic should be. The options are Marketing Manifesto, Why Don't People Get It?, and My Marketing Tragedy (and what I learned). Please join me in voting for Marketing Manifesto. I like it better. So should you.

And congrats to fellow AOC contributer David Armano for manning up and accepting the promotion to the  leader of the collective creative contribution (not a title, just a descriptor) from Critical Mass Chicago. It's a big step for one of our best, but as they say in the South, you gotta shit or get off the pot. Thankfully for our industry, David has chosen the former.


The Conversation Age, part 1

Conversation11As if we didn't know  it already, Gavin and Drew are some smart guys. Now they just went and rubbed our noses in it.

They've spearheaded the creation of what will surely be the greatest ebook in the history of humanity, written by 99 of the smartest bloggers in our fair burg. Oh, yeah, and me. And, we're taking on a subject that's quickly becoming the buzziest of them all, conversationalism in marketing.Conversationage_2_2

But, The Conversation Age is still a work in progress, and we need more good bloggers like you to take part, by contributing one page, about 400 words, to the book. And, you'll get all the warm fuzzies from knowing that you're doing a good deed, as all the phat cash we make will go to buying my first pony Variety Children's Charity.

For more info, go here or here.

The powerhouse bloggers involved include:

So get off your ass, and get writing!