Age of Conversation: Authors Gone Wild

Conversation_2You've all read the first iteration of the world famous blogger book Age of Conversation, now it's time to make a 2008 version. It'll be bigger, better and even bookier than the first. Guaranteed. Read all about it over at Drew's place.

So here's what you need to know. If you're looking to throw in your two cents, email Drew, and let him know you're interested.

Then head on over to survey monkey, and tell Drew and Gavin what the topic should be. The options are Marketing Manifesto, Why Don't People Get It?, and My Marketing Tragedy (and what I learned). Please join me in voting for Marketing Manifesto. I like it better. So should you.

And congrats to fellow AOC contributer David Armano for manning up and accepting the promotion to the  leader of the collective creative contribution (not a title, just a descriptor) from Critical Mass Chicago. It's a big step for one of our best, but as they say in the South, you gotta shit or get off the pot. Thankfully for our industry, David has chosen the former.