Saatchi Nonsense

Maurice Saatchi recently made the case for a new initiative, one word equity.  From what I gather, he basically means, that today, with all of our changing media, ad clutter, life clutter, etc. what we need is too boldly...

...change our tagline strategy?

What?  Are there question marks over anyone else's foreheads?

Ok, I get it, we need to offer more simplicity.  We live in a complex world, one that's becoming more and more complex, and now, simplicity is more likely to cut through the clutter.  Except, of course, when it doesn't.

The problem here is with focus.  While he may be, well not right, but on the right track on the tagline thing, should that really be the main focus?  He sounds like Bush ranting about gay marriage.  Aren't there bigger things?

What we need is a refocus on the customer.  We need to find authentic messages that ring true to our brand, and to the communities that use them.  We need to offer our brand participants what they want to see, hear, use, not what we want, or wish they would see, hear and use.  We must focus on what is important, and that is what's important to them, not us.

As far as tags go, keep 'em short.  Make them true.  Make them mean something.  Or don't use them at all.  As long as you keep your focus on doing remarkable things for your customers, memorability will take care of itself.

Chroma has more thoughts.